If you have a small business offering professional services, take a look at these federal contract opportunities.

contract opportunities for professional servicesWhen it comes to federal market, keep in mind that the U.S. government buys just about every category of goods and services available. It means that you, as a small business owner, probably offer something that is frequently purchased by federal agencies; federal agencies that are required to stablish small business contracting goals every single year.

Having said that, if you are an entrepreneur dreaming about succeeding at the highest level, by selling your product or service to the world’s largest buyer, you just need to make a decision and get started. There are a lot of contract opportunities for professional services companies, for example, so keep reading because you will be amazed at how the U.S. government gives you the possibility to become a successful federal contractor.

Federal contract opportunities for small businesses

The government buys many of the products and services it needs from suppliers like you. These are some of the contract opportunities available to your small business in case you offer the following services:

1- National Park Service in Anchorage, Alaska, seeks a small business (NAICS code: 238220) to repair fire suppression deficiencies.

2- Coast Guard in Norfolk, Virginia, seeks a small business (NAICS code: 541380) to provide radon testing in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.

3- National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Greenbelt, Maryland, seeks an 8(a) business (NAICS code: 541715) to provide software engineering services.

4- Veterans Affairs in Ridgeland, Mississippi, seeks a service-disabled veteran-owned business (NAICS code: 621111) to provide gastroenterology physician services in Shreveport, Louisiana.

5- Federal Emergency Management Agency in Washington, DC, seeks a small business (NAICS code: 541930) to provide ASL/PRSL trilingual interpreting services.

6- Veterans Affairs in Tampa, Florida, seeks a service-disabled veteran-owned business (NAICS code: 541330) to provide construction program management and related services.

Business opportunities for professional services firms

Selling to the U.S. federal government is not that much different than selling in the private sector, but you definitely have to learn the federal marketplace’s requirements, as well as its particular language.

If you are interested in becoming a government provider and getting details on these contract opportunities for professional services organizations, please feel free to contact us.

As a firm focused on helping entrepreneurs on how to do business with Uncle Sam, we can help you from the very beginning.

A nationally recognized expert in federal contracting, small business entrepreneurship, vendor, and project/program management. A graduate of the prestigious Stanford and Cornell Universities, Dr. Rafael Marrero is a former Fortune 500 procurement executive, two-time Inc. 500 honoree, network news commentator, and Amazon best-selling author.

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