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This book is an excellent tool for all Hispanic entrepreneurs who wish to do business with the US Government.

MIAMI, September 20, 2019 / Renowned federal contracting expert Rafael Marrero will present “La Salsa Secreta del Tío Sam” on October 24 in New Orleans, with the support of the Louisiana Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Based on the fact that the Government buys around 550 billion dollars in products and services from the private sector and, by law, it must allocate 23% of its annual contracts to small businesses; Marrero's book becomes an excellent guide for those small business owners interested in becoming federal contractors.

According to the expert, “the average person is unaware the US buys products included in 11 million categories. That’s because the Government buys everything it needs to deliver its services to the US taxpayer. So the goal is sponsoring entrepreneurs, teaching them how to navigate the labyrinth of bureaucracy and forms, and serving as a bridge for them to be able to sell to the Government.”

Marrero has also said “you cannot improvise when dealing with the Federal Government, which spends millions of dollars per hour.” In this case, he argues, “It’s not about who you know, but who knows you. That’s why federal marketing is so important.”

At the same time, the businessman has revealed that government marketing is totally different from the more traditional one, since it is based on industrial codes, and the classification of products and services. Therefore, “if you do not know that government terminology and acronyms, you won’t be able to taste Uncle Sam’s sauce”.

In keeping with that need for information, comes the first book in Spanish that teaches Hispanics how to do business with the richest buyer in the world: the US Government. Through its 52 chapters and a glossary of acronyms inherent to federal contracting, the reader can learn how to become a supplier for Uncle Sam.

Because of the importance of this formidable guide for entrepreneurs, small business owners and minority businesses, we’ve asked the media to cover the presentation of the book “La Salsa Secreta del Tío Sam: Ingredientes y Recetas para Triunfar en el Mercado Federal”.

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