The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule is one of the largest government procurement programs. It provides the U.S. government with access to over 11 million commercial products and services. Whether you’re just getting started as a federal contractor or are looking to increase your visibility in the business-to-government sector, learn how a GSA contract can help and how to qualify for one. Explore the features, eligibility requirements, and benefits of a contract through the GSA today.

Types of Contracts

The GSA Schedule program, which is also known as Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) and Multiple Award Schedules (MAS), is the largest and most important GSA contract type to consider as a federal contractor. It allows you to do business with multiple government agencies through a single source, which streamlines the procurement process for you and the agencies.

While a GSA Schedule contract is one of the most common, there are many other ways you can do business with the U.S. government. Here are other contracting vehicles available through GSA that you may use to provide products and services to the federal government:

How To Become Eligible for a GSA Contract

The policies, procedures, and eligibility of GSA Schedule contracts are guided by two government regulatory documents: the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the General Services Administration Acquisition Manual (GSAM). Before you find out how GSA buys, see if you meet the basic eligibility requirements to become a GSA Schedule contractor:

Meeting these requirements allows you to compete for a contract. You will, however, still need to put together a professional marketing plan and other federal branding materials to increase your likelihood of winning a contract.

If you choose to pursue a GSA Schedule contract, you have a few subcategories to consider. You may be eligible to compete for contracts if you offer services in one or more of these 12 categories:

Benefits of the GSA Schedule Program

As a GSA Schedule contractor, you’ll have the ability to do business with the world’s largest client: Uncle Sam. Enjoy these benefits as you compete for a GSA contract:

Become a GSA Contractor

Are you ready to grow your federal contracting business with a lucrative GSA contract? Contact Rafael Marrero & Company today to learn more about the application process. Find out if you qualify as a GSA contractor and what you can do to make your firm stand out.

A nationally recognized expert in federal contracting, small business entrepreneurship, vendor, and project/program management. A graduate of the prestigious Stanford and Cornell Universities, Dr. Rafael Marrero is a former Fortune 500 procurement executive, two-time Inc. 500 honoree, network news commentator, and Amazon best-selling author.

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